Kate Middleton has confirmed a surprising rumour about her birthing techniques

Kate Middleton departing Lindo Wing
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Kate Middleton departing Lindo Wing
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Kate Middleton chose the more traditional way of giving birth to her three children. However, she has recently revealed, rather openly, the techniques she used and her experiences of giving birth.

Kate Middleton was once invited to guest star in a podcast entitled Happy Mum, Happy Baby, hosted by author Giovanna Fletcher.

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On this podcast, the two women proceeded to share their personal experiences with labour and giving birth, with their listeners.

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Kate Middleton then mentioned something known as Hypnobirthing.

This labour technique allows the mother to have more control over her body and the pain with the help of self-induced hypnosis and relaxation.

Lots of celebrities in the United States have also been known to use this technique, often because they want to go through labour without the need for an epidural.

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Like Jessica Alba for example, who, on Ellen DeGeneres’ chat show, explained:

You’re floating on clouds while you’re going through labour and contractions.

As for the Duchess of Cambridge, she discovered this technique as a result of her Hyperemesis gravidarum, a pregnancy complication she experienced.

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Hyperemesis gravidarum is a complication characterised by dehydration caused by severe nausea and substantial vomiting and Middleton experienced this during each of her three pregnancies. She explained:

It was through hyperemesis that I really realised the power of the mind over the body because I really had to try everything to help me through it.
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She then went on to talk about Hypnobirthing:

I saw the power of it, really, the meditation and the deep breathing and things like that they teach you in hypnobirthing when I was really sick and actually, I realised that this was something that I could take control of, I suppose, during labour. It was hugely powerful.

Kate has surprised us all once again with her self-control and wisdom!

For more details, check out the video above!

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