Kate And William: The Compromising Photos They Want To Disappear (Video)

William and Kate
© Getty Images
William and Kate
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The photos of William and Kate that the Royal Family don't want you to see are back! And they aren’t very royal…

Parents to three children and members of the Royal Family, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge definitely have a reputation to uphold. They always have to be immaculately dressed and nothing is left to chance when it comes to their public appearances.

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Luckily for the Royal Family, unlike his brother Prince Harry, Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton don’t have very dirty pasts. But before they were the wise and classy people they are now, the royal couple did have their fair share of wild times just like everyone else.

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The Sunrecently published shots of the couple when they were very drunk leaving a nightclub one night, taken by the photographer Max Butterworth. In these photos, they look completely inebriated and in a pretty bad way as they get into a car.

It’s not every day that we get to see them like this! And we can guarantee the Queen of England was definitely less pleased to see these photos in the mediaonce again!

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If you want to see the photos for yourself, check out the video above!

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