Here are 6 strange rules the Royal Family have to follow

Here are some strange things the Royal Family can’t do
© James Devaney
Here are some strange things the Royal Family can’t do
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As most people know, being a Royal isn’t as easy as it seems. There are many rules and protocols that need to be followed. Some of them are quite strange.

The Royal Family are one of the most famous and well-respected families in the world. This type of fame comes with rules that must be followed as to not tarnish their reputation. Some make sense, such as not signing autographs to prevent forgeries, but others may seem quite bizarre.

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Saying ‘mum’ and ‘dad’

In the UK most people call their parents mum and dad when they’re older. However, this doesn’t apply to the Royal Family. They must call their parents ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ no matter how old they are. Yes, that means that Prince Charles, who is 73 calls the Queen mummy.

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Wearing casual clothes

Here are some strange things the Royal Family can’t do   Max Mumby/Indigo

Members of the Royal Family must always look presentable, even when relaxing. This means that they have a certain dress code to respect. For the men in the family, when they are casual, they have to wear a blazer or a collared shirt with khakis and on rare occasions, they can wear jeans. For the women of the family, they should either wear day dresses or trousers with a cardigan or a jacket.

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Saying ‘cheers’

As a Royal, you are often expected to give a toast and a good one. That means that they need something more elaborate than just ‘cheers’. They need to please their guests with a delightful toast.

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Wearing trousers

For the young boys in the Royal Family, it is always shorts season. Yes even in the middle of winter the boys must wear shorts. For the upper-class, young boys can wear trousers once they reach the age of 8, until then they have to wear shorts, and if it’s cold out, they pair them with long socks.

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Wearing black

Here are some strange things the Royal Family can’t do Tim Graham

Black is reserved for evenings and funerals in the Royal Family. The Queen has implemented a rule that the Royals should always pack a black outfit when they travel in case there is an unexpected death. Royals will wear black as a sign of mourning.

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Disciplining the dogs

As many know, the Queen loves animals, but especially dogs. At the moment, the Queen has four dogs and they can do as they please as no one in the palace is allowed to shout at the dogs, no matter what they are doing.

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