Have Prince Harry and Prince William finally buried the hatchet? Not everyone is convinced

The Duke of Sussex joins the Prince of Wales on a walkabout at Windsor Castle
© Chris Jackson / Getty Images
The Duke of Sussex joins the Prince of Wales on a walkabout at Windsor Castle
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The Sussexes joined the Prince and Princess of Wales on a walkabout at Windsor Castle. Have the brothers set their differences aside?

The reportedly feuding brothers, accompanied by their wives, appeared side by side at a Windsor Castle walkabout. After viewing the floral tributes, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left in the same car as the Prince and Princess of Wales.

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United in grief

The Independentreports that a royal source confirmed Prince William extended the invitation to Prince Harry because the Prince of Wales strongly believes it is important to show unity at ‘an incredibly difficult time for the family.’

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joins the Prince and Princess of Wales on a walkabout at Windsor Castle Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Prince William isn’t the only royal family member to have extended an olive branch to the Sussexes. Indeed, King Charles III spoke of his ‘love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas’ in his first address.

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Both gestures have been hailed as attempts to heal the rift between the Sussexes and the Royal Family.

Speculation is rife

Since their public appearance together, there has been much speculation about the brothers’ relationship.

International Business Timesspeculates that Prince Harry and Prince William could walk side by side behind the Queen’s coffin at the funeral on Monday, 19th September.

This would mean their relationship has vastly improved, considering the brothers were separated by their cousin Peter Philips at Prince Philip’s funeral in 2021.

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On the other hand, a royal source spoke to The Mirror about a ‘great sense of distrust in the air’, stating that ‘there needs to be some major reconciliation on the part of those making the most noise.’

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Indeed, Prince Harry is still planning to publish his tell-all memoir later this year.

After Meghan Markle’s admitted to The Cut that she found her old journals, there is speculation that she might be planning a memoir of her own.

She said:

It’s interesting; I’ve never had to sign anything that restricts me from talking. I can talk about my whole experience and make a choice not to.
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What do the experts say?

Are Prince Harry and Prince William on a path to reconciliation? That is a question that leaves royal experts divided.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told Metro that he is optimistic the rift is healing, stating that ‘it’s what the Queen would have wanted.’

Ingrid Seward told The Sun that Prince Harry needed to meet Prince William and King Charles III halfway. With these olive branches extended to him, it is up to Prince Harry to make a move.

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However, in his op-ed, Chris Ship, ITV’s royal editor, relates that it was difficult for the pair to put their differences aside and step out in public together.

He said:

Putting on a show of unity for 45 minutes in memory of their grandmother is a far cry from actually being united.
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BBC’s royal correspondent, Sean Coughlan, warned fans not to get too excited just yet, that their reconciliation will be 'complicated and private'.

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