Rodrigo Alves' Shocking Transformation from Human to Ken to Barbie
Rodrigo Alves became known as the human Ken doll after he went under the knife over a hundred times in order to perfect his appearance. He even had an artificial six-pack made. But now he doesn't want this appearance that cost him more than some people make in a lifetime. He is now deciding to make a completely different type of transformation…
His face hasn't been recognized for years: Rodrigo Alves has been addicted to cosmetic surgerywith the aim of looking as much like the male Barbie doll Ken as possible. After more than a hundred cosmetic operations and more than £500,000 already invested in his delusion, he is finally known around the world as the human Ken doll.
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The end of the real-life Ken
Now, the Brazilian-British TV star admits to the Mirror that he no longer wants to be the human Ken and has surprised all of us with a courageous statement. He has always felt himself to be a woman on the inside and is on the way to becoming a woman: "I am known as Ken, but on the inside, I have always felt like Barbie."
More under this adMore under this adHis desire to live as a woman is now becoming a reality - he is already undergoing hormone therapy. He also started to tackle his appearance. He has already exchanged his fake muscles, including his artificial six-pack, for D-cup breast size. According to Rodrigo Alves, whom from now on calls himself Roddy and wishes to be addressed as "she", the hormones have already helped the broad hips. On her Instagram page, she is no longer seen as Ken, but as Barbie instead.
More under this adMore under this adDecisive surgery is imminent for Roddy
The sex-change operation is already a few weeks away and she is already looking forward to her physical transformation and enjoys the fact that her body now corresponds to the true sex of her mind, she revealed in an interview. She loves being a woman and everything that goes with it:
More under this adMore under this adI love it and everything that comes with it. I go to hair salons, nail salons, get eyebrows and eyelashes done. I buy dresses, high heels and wear sexy lingerie!
One can be curious now, about how many operations the former Real-Life-Ken as Transgender-Barbie still wishes to undergo and still rather, how many Roddy’s body can actually endure!