Terry Crews Rises Above Mocking From 50 Cent As He Delivers Powerful Sexual Assault Testimony

Terry Crews Rises Above Mocking From 50 Cent As He Delivers Powerful Sexual Assault Testimony
Terry Crews Rises Above Mocking From 50 Cent As He Delivers Powerful Sexual Assault Testimony
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Following Terry Crew's emotional testimony at Capitol Hill, rapper 50 Cent posted an Instagram mocking the actor for being a victim of sexual assault. When questioned by TMZ about the post, Crews gave an incredibly dignified response.

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Terry Crews revealed in October 2017 that he had been sexually assaulted at a party the previous year by a powerful Hollywood executive.

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Crews had not spoken out about the incident at the time as he feared retaliation. This week, Crews has testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee in order to advocate for a Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill Of Rights.

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When asked why he did not respond violently to the assault, Crews explained: 'As a black man in America you only have a few shots at success, you only have a few chances to make yourself a viable member of the community.'

Despite this, rapper 50 Cent took to Instagram to mock Crews - posting a cruel meme with the caption '👀LOL,What the f*** is going on out here man? Terry: l froze in fear,😆they would have had to take me to jail. 🤨get the strap.'

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50 Cent was blasted by his Instagram followers for his insensitivity with fans labelling the comments 'disgusting' and 'garbage'.

When TMZ asked Crews about 50 Cent's comments on camera, he took the high road, responding 'I love 50 Cent, I listen to his music while I’m working out.'

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When pressed as to whether it was a 'fair comment' to have pointed out 'how big' he is, Crews said 'I prove that size doesn’t matter when it comes to sexual assault.'

50 Cent has since deleted his Instagram post.

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