Spice Girls: Mini reunion as Victoria Beckham and Mel B celebrate her MBE

Spice Girls: Mini reunion as Victoria Beckham and Mel B celebrate her MBE
© officialmelb
Spice Girls: Mini reunion as Victoria Beckham and Mel B celebrate her MBE
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Victoria Beckham and Mel B reunited recently and cuddled with each other as they celebrated Mel B’s MBE.

Mel B recently received the royal honour at Buckingham Palace and was made an MBE by Prince William for her exceptional work with domestic violence victims. The former Spice Girl was joined by her happy mother Andrea at Buckingham Palace to receive the royal honour, which was the first big investiture at the Queen's London residence since the pandemic.

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Generous friendship

At the special ceremony, Mel B wore a red dress designed by Victoria Beckham as she received her gong. The Spice Girl fashionista not only dressed Mel B but also her mother and personally came down to dress them as well. Victoria also got a huge congratulations cake for Mel B. This prompted the former spice girl to declare her love and friendship for Victoria in an Instagram post.

Sharing the love she has for Victoria with her followers, she wrote:

My spice sister Vic, I can’t thank you enough for your enormous generosity.
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Not only did you dress me and my mum but you surprised me by actually being there to fit us…….it was just soooooooo special thanks to YOU and your fabulousness.
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Honestly what a perfect ending to a magical day. You booked a lovely dinner together with both our families. Wowza! 25 years of friendship and we still like each other haha I love you lots.

With the caption, she shared a picture of the cake as well. It was frosted with the text To Melanie MBE iced on the top and topped with icing and rainbow sprinkles.

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Are Spice Girls reuniting?

Fans of the 90s girl band want nothing more than a reunion of the greatest band in history. But it looks like Prince William is eagerly waiting for a reunion as much as we do. Reportedly Prince William asked Mel B if they are reuniting the Spice Girls and she said:

I told him I was having dinner with Victoria that evening.
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This comes after earlier this year in February it was revealed that the Spice Girls will reunite for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Mel B added:

There's so much stuff but I don't want to say anything until it's actually happening and I don't want to jinx myself and I always blurt everything out first, so I'm keeping quiet this time - revelling in this moment.
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