Rihanna gives sneak peak into her mysterious life as a mother: 'You’re a zombie'

Rihanna gives sneak peak into her mysterious life as a mother: 'You’re a zombie'
© Kevin Mazur / Getty Images
Rihanna gives sneak peak into her mysterious life as a mother: 'You’re a zombie'
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Mom of a nine-month-old boy, Rihanna confided on her first experience of motherhood with her partner A$AP Rocky.

Rihanna unveiled the face of her son last December, six months after his birth, the singer revealed that she is pregnant again. It was during the annual Super Bowl celebration, that she revealed her round belly, causing the surprise of fans around the world!

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In the columns of the latest issue of Vogue, the singer of Umbrella confided on the last year she spent as a mother of a little boy whose name she has not yet revealed!

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'Man, you’re a zombie for the most part'

As she awaits her second child, Rihanna isn't forgetting her 'insane' first days as a mum. She explained:

You don’t sleep. At all. Not even if you wanted to.
Man, you’re a zombie for the most part.
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You’re just going through the motions and even then you’re so paranoid.

The 34-year-old global star, who usually keeps a tight lid on her personal life, confided that the couple had 'no one' to help them after she gave birth in May 2022.

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They trusted us to come home with this baby? This new life? With us? No doctors, no nurses, we’re just… going home?
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Rihanna as a mum? She wants more!

If she was apprehensive at first, the creator of the Fenty and Savage brands considers her role as a parent as a 'legendary' experience.

'It’s everything. You really don’t remember life before, that’s the craziest thing ever. It doesn’t matter.' she explained. If on the day of this interview, Rihanna did not yet know that she was pregnant again, she had explained to Vogue that she was 'open' to the idea of a new child, even joking about the idea of having three or four.

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Listen, I’m down for whatever. My wish would be I would like to have more kids but whatever God wants for me, I’m here. Girl, boy, whatever

For now, Rihanna continues to be 'of service' to her son, as she confides to Vogue while enjoying her second pregnancy. Congratulations to her!

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This article is translated from Ohmymag FR.

Sources used:

Vogue: 'Rihanna Reborn: How A Megastar Became A Mother'

Page Six: 'Pregnant Rihanna describes ‘insane’ early days of motherhood: It’s a ‘headf–k’

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