Prince Harry isn’t the only one suing The Sun as this popular actor has now made shocking claims

Prince Harry isn’t the only one to sue The Sun as popular actor makes shocking claims
© Max Mumby/Indigo / Getty Images
Prince Harry isn’t the only one to sue The Sun as popular actor makes shocking claims
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Prince Harry is in a court battle with The Sun for hacking his phone. Another popular actor has now joined the club with some shocking claims.

The Sun has always been quite a controversial tabloid. However, in recent times, they have been under fire for some unlawful practices. Indeed Prince Harry is suing the tabloid for hacking his phone.

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This isn’t the first time that a tabloid has been sued for a breach of privacy. Prince Harry and Elton John both sued Daily Mail in late 2022.

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It would seem that Prince Harry isn’t the only one to have been hacked by The Sun as Hugh Grant is suing the tabloid for similar reasons. The Love Actually star’s claims are far more shocking than the Duke of Sussex’s.

Hugh Grant is suing The Sun

Hugh Grant, 62, appeared in court on Thursday, April 27. In his witness statement, the actor claimed that The Sunhacked his voicemails and tapped his landline in order to get personal details about him.

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He also claimed that the tabloid put a tracker on his car and broke into his flat. In his statement, he said, as reported by The Guardian:

My claim concerns unlawful acts committed by the Sun, including burglaries to order, the breaking and entering of private property in order to obtain private information through bugging, landline tapping, phone hacking and the use of private investigators to do all these and other illegal things against me.
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Hugh Grant claims The Sun broke into his flat

In his witness statement, Hugh Grant talks about the time that The Sun allegedly broke into his London flat back in 2011.

According to Grant, the tabloid reporters had forced their way into his home through his front door, which had been forced off its hinges. He does state that nothing was stolen.

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He then goes on to explain that the day after the break-in, The Sun published an article about the star’s home and ‘detailed the interior of the flat, including the signs of a domestic row.’

I found it astonishing that the Sun carried out these unlawful acts against me at a time when I was preparing to give evidence to a public inquiry on press ethics. Of course, all of this was concealed from me at the time.
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The actor also claims that during the 2000s, the tabloid had hired private investigators to break into another two properties of his, one belonged to his ex-girlfriend Liz Hurley and the other was linked to his film production company.

Why is Hugh Grant only suing now?

The Sun is trying to stop the case from going to a public trial as Hugh Grant - and Prince Harry - have waited too long to file their legal claims. A spokesperson for the tabloid has denied the claims they broke into Hugh Grant’s home:

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The Sun strongly refutes the allegation that it ever commissioned anyone to break into Hugh Grant’s home.
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According to Grant, the only reason he is just now suing is because The Sun had covered up its staff's behaviour. The actor revealed that he only found out about The Sun’s break-in implications in 2022 after he hired a private investigator, Gavin Burrows.

Hugh Grant’s finishing statement talks about his work to have ‘better ethical press’ and claims that The Sun believes they are ‘above the law.’

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I have invested a great deal of time in my campaign work for a better and ethical press … the defendant clearly considers itself above the law and is using the law now in a way I believe it was never intended, that is to further cover up and conceal what it has done.
I strongly believe that cannot be allowed to happen and that what it has done must be brought to light.
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Sources used:

The Guardian: ‘Hugh Grant claims the Sun burgled his flat to obtain private information’

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