Michael Jackson’s Secret Half Sister Reveals Heartbreak At The Way He Treated Her

Michael Jackson’s Secret Half Sister Reveals Heartbreak At The Way He Treated Her
Michael Jackson’s Secret Half Sister Reveals Heartbreak At The Way He Treated Her
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Interviewed by the Daily Mail, Michael Jackson's half-sister looked back at her life, away from her family. She also took the opportunity to set the record straight about the Jackson clan.

Michael Jackson's half-sister, Joh'Vonnie, broke her silence after writing her book, in which she recounts her hidden existence. She also wanted to get the facts straight about the Jackson family.

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Secret daughter

Joh'Vonnie is the result of the extramarital union between Joe Jackson, Michael's father and Cheryle Terrell. Born in 1974, Joh'Vonnie was never accepted by the Jackson family and had to live a hidden existence, rejected by her father.

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That's the story she tells in her book, Bastard Child. In order to promote it, the author was interviewed by the Daily Mail, and Joh'Vonnie took the opportunity to tell all.

‘I was secretly left out for years, I couldn't be part of the family. It was hurtful. Then one day, I finally met all of them, but for some unknown reason, there was something that made them never accept me.’

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A distant Michael Jackson

She didn’t meet Michael Jackson until 2003, at a family reunion. ‘It was a great moment for me. But Michael looked at me and seemed cold and distant. He said hello to me and then he saw my daughter Yasmine and he was just fascinated by her.’

She, who had hoped so much to forge links with her half-brother and her family, left disappointed with this meeting, admitting that ‘it was very hurtful, he wasn't interested at all.’

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In 2014, Joh'Vonnie lost her mother and found herself alone.

‘The first person to call me was their mother Katherine, the only sister who contacted me was Rebbie, she's the only one who cares about me. (...) As far as I'm concerned, they can all go f*** themselves.’

Take a look at the video above for more on Michael Jackson's secret half-sister...

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